Wednesday, January 27, 2010

progymnasmata a la Chreia

praise/dedication/rock and roll celebration FOR a word or two about John Lennon, i am hardly qualified but can think of no finer friend i never met though i might think some more again. after hectic years of world-wide visibility, while he was finding out who he was mr. lennon was finally welcome to live in a hardedge city of american dreams, of human dreams and occasional screams, where taxis outnumber privately owned cars. returning from wrapping up work on yet another album a vengeful fan robbed us all of what more we'll never know. Imagine beyond "imagine", or don't. if his name is new to you, that's okay too. it's only rock and roll, by humans just like us, not super people in a magic bus.

to paraphrase, i did that by mentioning "imagining there's no homework, it's easy if you don't read the synopsis, take notes, listen to lectures, or otherwise try to remember lucy's name, the one with the diamonds, so you can find it in the phonebook, or google it.

Lennon was continuing to add to the idea he and his wife, Yoko Ono-Lennon Ono yo, were encouraging the world to consider: Give peace a chance. So many of us don't see much profit in peace, or so it seems. The idea of no possessions is up for challenge to, as is the idea that there's nothing to kill or die for just the joy of living right now, this minute, satisfied with things as they are before diving back into developing toward whatever we have for desiring.

A contrast notion would be to sing about winning, appropriate as super bowl time is at hand. "Who wants it more?" I think Ludikrus draws royalties for that one. It was a theme for the superbowl last year, if memory hangs happily.

For comparison there is a song about getting together, smiling, trying to love one another (not only or limited to sexual performance)...and the Lennon line from "Yellow Submarine" to "hook up and otherwise comingle."

There's no end to the Lennon legacy as there is hopefully no end to human potential. There have been some marvelous achievements all through our story as humans. We have access to the best to date but it's right to realize there is always room for improvement. John Lennon had an image to carry with him...the working class hero become a worldclass star, living across the street from Central Park just like anybody else who can afford the neighborhood. No "hood" is safe, but some are safer than others. Doing what you love to do and being famous for it can be a dangerous thing. Or we can all be "nowhere people, living in a nowhere land" making nowhere plans for nobody.

This blog represents a surge underway to get me in the cyberlife mode in a proactive way. I'm happy to say i'm not allergic to strawberries and that this blogging is "getting better all the time".
I can't think of many things without some song coming to mind. Then, bang, bang, out go the lights.

Monday, January 25, 2010

imagine i know what to do

i IMAGINE i do is the place where i will get back here later and fill in the blank behind chapter 2s assignments...activities and the Chreia, which for me is John Lennon's "imagine." it's like "imagine there's no homework, no place for me in cyberspace. i hope someday i'll blog us...and we all can have some fun...." i'd type more but i have a class to get to and it's not in the building where i am typing this.....ah, you know the drill.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

i shall not remain behind our group brain

this is my weekend to catchup and potato....i mean, i've austen (jane), twain, two by naylor, a literary criticism and our monumental arcs. then, in spite of efforts to surrender to psychosclerosis, i am now a blog dog. if only i had internet at home. maybe a neighbor does. type at you monday. have some fun!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

rhetorical chances

i am a daily surprise to me as i find me where i was forty years ago with a world of experience in between. pueblo is home now. retired from the army, i am studying at csup to get into a field called semiotics, the study of everything we humans do communicate peacefully, i hope, and keep track of what we've done, what's going on, and where we hope to be after lunch and even later.

this class is a continuing adventure in communications study. my major was art until recently, when i found out that art is just part of the semiotics universe and what was missing in visual expression was words, which are just as capable of abstraction as pigment.

today is edgar poe's birthday. you skeered?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

trust curiosity

what did i most like about the book.....use of the word FUN. see page 27...."messing around with language is fun."